
Free Download Minecraft BETA APK Vietnamese for Android

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On June 1, 2022, publisher Mojang released a new BETA version of Minecraft This is not only a bug fix for the previous Minecraft version, but also updates many new experimental features for Minecraft such as: Observation Mode, Warden, Deep Dark, Sculk Sensor, … Especially changing many ways to play and adding new elements to the game. Now available on Google Play for $ 4.99, you can also use this BETA version for free when downloading the Minecraft PE APK file in Vietnamese shared by Bandishare in the article below.

What’s new in Minecraft

There are many new features in Minecraft PE version, specifically as follows:

Test Observation Mode

Players experiencing Observation Mode on Minecraft PE APK will not be able to receive effects from the game. In addition, Observation Mode will not trigger attacks when the player is in the village through the Bad Omen effect. The sleep rule no longer applies in this mode, and you will no longer be hurt by bullet attacks.

New Update for Warden

Tải Minecraft BETA APK miễn phí Tiếng Việt cho Android

Warden Adjustment:

Spawning : The Warden can now spawn on a variety of blocks, including stone slabs, redstone dust, snow layers, buttons, and tripwires. However, it will not spawn on leaves or lower slabs.
Abilities : The Warden can dive and is unaffected by water or lava, allowing it to safely travel through these elements. Additionally, its damage reduction enchantments are now less effective.
Behavior: The Warden now stores vibration information, allowing it to react when saving and loading content. Notably, players can no longer use Sculk Shrieker to summon the Warden underwater.

Sculk Sensor Upgrade:

Interaction with wool : Vibrations from any direction are blocked by wool.
Detection limits : Sculk Sensor no longer detects players destroying, walking, or falling on carpet. It also does not detect wool and carpet when dropped as items.
– Vibration storage: Sculk Sensor keeps information about the vibrations it reacts to, even after saving and loading.
Chest detection: It can detect the opening and closing of chests on boats.
Redstone signals : When liquid is detected in the bed, Sculk Sensor emits redstone signals 12 and 13.
Specific actions: It can detect players drinking milk or picking up powdered snow in a bucket.
Non-detection situations: Sculk Sensor does not detect entities jumping on wool, being covered in Sculk Veins, or standing on a saddle in scaffolding.
Player actions: It can determine the items the player is holding and the state of their armor.

Tải Minecraft 1.18.32 APK

Gameplay on Minecraft

XP Reward : You will be rewarded XP when you smelt iron or gold tools or weapons to create nuggets.

Soul Campfire Bug Fix:  Soul campfire bug that caused custom recipes to not work properly has been fixed.

Entity Bug Fix: The bug of entities disappearing when importing old worlds converted to new versions has been fixed. In Minecraft PE, moving entities to unloaded blocks will no longer result in their deletion.

Fishing Rod Bug Fix: Changing the size of the hook no longer causes the fishing rod to hang in-game.

Swimming Hitbox Fix: A bug where dying while swimming caused your hitbox to not reset has been fixed.

Health Boost Fix: Health boost and extra life time issues have been fixed.

Repairing Wooden Tools: Broken wooden tools can be repaired with Mangrove Planks, Crimson Planks and Warped Planks.

New Update on Mangroves


Mangrove Leaf Blocks: Mangrove leaf blocks will no longer be collected into different stacks when you use silk touch.

Mangrove Logging: Logs harvested from mangrove forests are now split to be made into striped mangrove timber instead of the old mangrove timber.

Accurate Display of Propagules: When placing mangrove propagules in flower pots it will display more accurately.

Growing Sweet Berry Bush: You will no longer be able to grow Sweet Berry Bush on mud, tree roots, and mangrove roots.

Grass Sounds: Mangrove propagation can stimulate them with the sound of grass.

Flowing Water: Flowing water can no longer destroy mangrove seedlings.

User interface

Tải Minecraft BETA APK miễn phí Tiếng Việt cho Android

On the Home Screen:

  • Added player cause of death.
  • You can move the Main Menu button to the top navigation to avoid accidentally pressing it when dying in the middle of a match.
  • The incorrect positioning of the “Select (A)” tip on the main display when using a gamepad has been fixed in Minecraft
  • Added new correct death message when player dies from Sweet Berry Bush.
  • Added minimum size for yellow text display.
  • Fixed bug with the word “crafting” in Bedrock’s classic UI on inventory.
  • Worlds that use templates in crafting will have achievement display disabled. This means players will not be assessed for achievement points when playing with templates.
  • Fixed item drop issue when clicking on dark grey area in your inventory while using Furnace, Smoker, Blast Furnace, Grindstone, Brewing Stand, Anvil Mouth, Foundry Table, Beacon, Weaver, Stone Cutter, Map Drawing Table.
  • A bug that caused some text to be misaligned when displayed on different devices has been fixed.

Graphical Changes:

  • The issue where the water fog expansion rate did not match the value specified in the “midPercentage” field was fixed.
  • An issue where the transition below water mist between biomes was not smooth and affected the eye adaptation effect has been fixed.
  • The animation system issue when players split screen has been fixed on Minecraft PE BETA.
  • Error displaying Crossbows, shields, tridents of other players has been fixed.
  • The split screen display position bug when the player is sleeping in bed has also been fixed.
  • An issue with Elytra’s animation causing it to split screen has been fixed.
  • Fixed Lead’s position when another player is using it in first person.
  • Elements in the player interface will no longer be haunted by fog color when fog is not installed and the game starts.
  • Fixed an issue with flickering terrain inside and outside of fog on Switch.
Tải Minecraft BETA APK miễn phí Tiếng Việt cho Android

Some other updates in Minecraft PE

  • Allay: It can now keep information about the vibration it is responding to through saving and loading.
  • Deep Dark: In the old city, the campsite structure is generated more accurately. The Sculk Vein feature can now be generated at the same height as the Sculk Patch.
  • Character Creator: There is no longer an infinite loading when entering the locker room. Text has also been adjusted to fit emoticons within the frame. The Expedite Emote list no longer shows duplicate emoticons, which has been fixed.
  • Villagers: They will no longer run away from Zoglins.
  • Wandering Merchant: They will have to run away from Zoglins and need to drink milk to remove Zoglins’ invisibility effect.
  • Wither: It will break Obsidian when attacked by the player. The time it takes to break blocks around it will be delayed after being attacked by the player.

Some new technical updates

In addition to new feature updates, Minecraft PE APK version also updates some technical issues such as:

  • Actor Properties Test: It allows players to save and load entities correctly across multiple clients.
  • “minecraft: drink_milk” behavior: Allows mobs to drink milk depending on specific environmental conditions.
  • “/script profiler” command: Now includes native API calls.

Download Link Minecraft BETA APK Free with Vietnamese for Android

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